This is My Kinda of Plant

Posted on January 16, 2020 in Garden Gab

So we had this cool planter. It was a beautiful combination of metal and antique looking clay in the greenhouse that was planted with 6 succulents. It didn’t find a home this year so I brought it in and put it in my office. I usually don’t do that because I don’t have time to take care of my own plants. But this type of plant was perfect! Low maintenance – I water it once a month. If I miss my watering day by a week or two, it doesn’t crab at me like other plants. It is the perfect plant for me. And frankly that is what gardening is about finding the perfect plants that work with your lifestyle. It is so nice to have living things in my office again. I think this year I will make a point to add to my succulent collection. If you want to find plants that work with your lifestyle, ask us this spring! We would be happy to find a plant or two that fits your life.